Foodie Friday: Breakfast Fruit Salad

Happy Friday, everyone! With with peak of summer upon us, I thought I'd share a delicious and easy breakfast filled with fresh fruit that'll keep you energized throughout the whole day.

Breakfast Fruit Salad
1 banana
1/2 cup strawberries
1/2 cup raspberries
1/4 cup blueberries
Pinch of ceylon cinnamon
Drizzle of honey

Chop up all of the fruit and combine. Drizzle with honey and sprinkle with cinnamon.

I know this is so easy but this is the perfect breakfast, especially for a busy morning. You can prepare all the fruit the night before and combine everything the next morning. This is also the perfect base to add a scoop of yogurt and granola to. 

Nutrition Information
Bananas: A very healthy carbohydrate, a great source of fiber, rich in antioxidants, contain potassium and magnesium.
Strawberries: Healthy Carbohydrate, natural sweetness, rich in antioxidants, provides fiber, vitamin C, manganese, folate, and potassium.
Raspberries: A great source of fiber, high in antioxidants, contain an abundance of vitamin C and trace amounts of vitamin A, B vitamins, calcium, and zinc.
Blueberries: SUPERFOOD. Healthy carbohydrates, provides fiber, vitamins K, C, and maganese and small amounts of vitamin E, B6, and copper.
Cinnamon: Rich in antioxidants and scientifically proven to poses anti-inflammatory properties and improve risk factors that may cause heart disease and type II diabetes.
Honey: My beloved honey... Healthy carbohydrate, contains many antioxidants, and just tastes so good.

Kitchen Witchery
Cinnamon is one of the most amazing and versatile spices. Not only does it enhance the taste of foods and provide many medicinal uses, it also has an abundance of magickal properties. Cinnamon is known to enhance intent of healing and purification, protection, increased psychic ability and spirituality, and money drawing and success. Consuming a bit of cinnamon in the morning, like sprinkled on this breakfast fruit salad or in your morning coffee or tea, can aid in a successful day, specifically in business.

I hope you all enjoy this simple yet delicious breakfast recipe that's sure to nourish your body and bring a dash of success to your day, as well.

Until next time, sending blessings your way ✨


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