Full Moon: Strawberry Moon

Image result for strawberry moon
Photo Credit: https://abcnews.go.com

We have the full moon coming up tomorrow-- Monday, June 17th at 4:31 EDT. The major energy of this strawberry full moon has been felt since Saturday and will continue until about Tuesday, but can linger for the next couple of weeks. The strawberry full moon is rising in the sign of Sagittarius and will ingress into Capricorn the following day. This is important because the full moon is a time for release, and as we release what is no longer serving us, we move into a new stage (and new sign) in which we will gain knowledge and insight into ourselves and what we need to focus on in order to grow.

The influence of Sagittarius includes diving deeper into your belief systems and learned knowledge, your desire for travel and adventure, and being enthusiastic about love. A lot of us have probably been feeling this energy for the past two weeks or so, I definitely have... The full moon makes me CRAZY (Cancer, here.) This full moon is urging us to reevaluate our belief systems and release any inhibiting mental patterns which are no longer in alignment with our higher selves. We are being called to travel, physically or mentally, to gain knowledge of the world around us and within us. When the moon ingresses into Capricorn, we can expect to feel the need to set goals for ourselves, using our newly found knowledge and refreshed belief systems, which we will hold to a higher standard than usual. We are testing ourselves and striving to accomplish all that we can through planning and taking action, as well. 

During this full moon, and for a couple weeks following, we can expect to feel optimistic about moving forward with the goals we've set for ourselves and the abundance of knowledge available to us.

Full Moon Rituals
When the moon is full, it is beneficial to harness the energy and use it to release all that is no longer serving us. I want to share with you a few practices I like to do so that I may connect with and use the moon's energy during this time of liberation.

Begin by taking a few deep breaths to quiet the mind. Light some palo santo, or any cleansing herb, to renew yourself and your space before lighting a white candle. Then, write down anything you are releasing. Specifically during this strawberry full moon, focus on releasing any limiting beliefs or emotions with regards to the core foundation of your belief system that no longer resonates with you. Ask the moon for her assistance in letting go and light the paper on fire from the flame of the candle. Let the paper burn until you can not hold it anymore and drop it into a bowl of water. Thank the moon for all that she provides and snuff out the candle.

During the full moon, I also like perform a deep smoke cleansing of my home. This is the perfect time to release any negative or lower vibrational energies that may be lingering. My go to for home cleansing is sage. I light my sage and begin the cleansing at my front door, moving clock wise throughout my home. During the cleansing I recite "I am cleansing this home of any impurities, negativity, and anything that does not suit or support the highest good of all who reside here. The smoke of this sage will reach all corners of this home, any and all hidden spaces, removing any lower vibrational energies or transmuting them for the highest good." I end this cleansing when I've made my way back to my front door.

Finally, I like to practice a little self care. Usually around the full moon I draw myself a bath, add any corresponding herbs and crystals, and perform a full moon meditation. Most of my meditations are guided and I find them on YouTube. Specifically for new and full moon meditations, I use 'Om Shaanti Meditation' channel.

Wishing you all an energizing, knowledgeable full moon. Remember to take some time for yourself... look within, it is there you will find all the answers you seek.

Until next time, sending blessings your way ✨


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